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In case you haven't heard, there's a new(ish) publication on the block. World of Animals is a monthly magazine all about animals. It has features, factfiles, photography and zoo profiles. It might just be the best thing we've ever read, and it's definitely filled a gap in the magazine market. At time of writing issue six is in the shops, with chimpanzees plastered across the cover. Here are our top reasons why we love it:
- There are some truly amazing facts in each issue. Not just your average, run-of-the-mill animal facts that are trotted out on Buzzfeed every few weeks, but really interesting things that have taken some deep research to discover. Our favourite from the current issues is that Ham, the first chimpanzee sent into space, shook the hand of his commander on returning to Earth. On the off chance that anyone caught that moment on camera, can we have a copy of the tape please and thank you?
- Each issue gives an indepth profile of a specific species. Past subjects have included tigers, chimps, grizzly bears, orang utans, lions and penguins.
- It's brilliantly written, with some great journalism. It's clever in that it manages to inform without being patronising - whether you're a keen conservationist or can't tell an ape from an anteater, there'll be something for you, we promise.
- Conservation is becomingly an increasingly political issue, yet WoA manages to keep the politics out of it, providing a balanced and factual read about issues faced by various species. Each issue provides a profile of a zoo of the world, but beyond that, there is little comment on which conservation methods it supports.
- The first issue had a tiger on it. Sadly, we never managed to catch the first issue whilst it was in shops, so our collection is sadly lacking. Yes, we know you can download the issue digitally, but it's just not the same, is it? If anyone knows where we can get a hard copy of the issue (we'd definitely settle for secondhand), we'd be forever in your graititude.
Psst...in case you're wondering, we aren't being paid or bribed in any way to write this. We truly believe that World of Animals is a great magazine. Long may it prosper. Pop out and buy an issue soon.