Yesterday we watched the first episode of BBC2 documentary Tigers About The House. You can read our thoughts on that here.
Episode 2 has just aired, and our thoughts are very much the same. In this episode, the cubs were slightly older, meaning that they were doing a lot of damage to the house they are living in, such as chewing up sofas. Despite the fact that this can't be good for them, and the obvious choking/digestion risks it provides, the family seemed unbothered about stopping such behaviours, which only served further to highlight how inappropriate it is to raise wild animals in a house.
On the other side of the spectrum, fair play to the BBC for showing the real extent of poaching, the real nitty gritty, rather than pussy-footing round the issue. Part of the programme was filmed in Indonesia, and showed the skins and body parts of tiger which had been poached - including a foot which was hanging onto the rest of the skin by a thread thanks to the damage done by a snare.
Whilst we embrace any television programme, or zoo, which helps to raise awareness of the plight of critically endangered animals such as the Sumatran tiger, we still have strong reservations that hand-rearing cubs is the way to go about raising awareness, or even that it makes any contribution to the long term welfare and conservation of these animals.
We'll be tuning in to the final installment tomorrow to see if our views change.
EDIT: Since the second episode aired earlier this evening, it has been revealed that during filming, one of the tiger keepers at Australia Zoo, where the programme takes place, was left in intensive care after being mauled by one of the adult tigers. This does nothing to impove the programme's reputation, which was already taking a beating from the public on social media, and only serves to fuel the argument that tigers should not be socialised.
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Monday, 16 June 2014
Tigers About The House Episode 1
This week, BBC2 shows a three part documentary, Tigers About The House, which looks at a pair of Sumatran tiger cubs being hand reared at home by a zoo keeper in Australia.
Anything that brings publicity for this endangered species is good, but finding out about the programme, we were expecting a little controversy to be stirred up. None of the previews mentioned a reason for them being hand reared, meaning that we were expecting resistance, at the very least, from viewers of the Born Free mentality, and perhaps even more widespread if they had been taken from their mother and domesticated without a legitimate reason such as rejection at birth.
It was interesting to see Australia Zoo's approach to conservation awareness, allowing visitors to get up close and touch animals such as camels and wallabies in the hope that it would encourage the public to support conservation efforts. However, the issue of domesticating these wild animals to the point that the public can interact with them is something that has been phased out in the majority of zoos in recent years, and is not something that we necessarily agree with. The programme even showed the tigers performing in a tiger show, despite many people believing that captive animals should not be made to perform, no matter how endangered or in need of publicity their species is.
It was revealed in the first episode that the reason for the cubs being removed from their mother, was not to do with rejection, or danger, but mainly influenced by the zoo's desire to continue their practice of directly handling these animals into the next generation - they wanted to domesticate the cubs from birth so that their keepers could continue to enter their enclosures, rather than keeping their distance as is standard practice in most zoos,
That's not to say that Giles doesn't have the best intentions, and doesn't do an excellent job at raising the cubs - he does. But that doesn't mean that everyone agrees with their decision to handle the animals and remove two healthy cubs from their mother to satisfy human desires.
Let's see what the next episode brings tomorrow.
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Conservation news round-up: 26 May-1 June 2014
The big news in wildlife and conservation this week:
Study finds that the killing of elephants in past generations has affected the social structure of current generations.
Study finds that elephant calves suck their trunks the same way that human babies suck their thumbs.
There are plans to open a coal mine just 40 metres from Hluhluwe-iMfolozi park in South Africa, which is considered the most important rhino sanctuary in the world.
In Kent, there has been an increase in wild birds such as chaffinches being caught in glue traps and sold for profit.
The first ever "elephant selfie" has been taken at West Midlands Safari Park, after a visitor dropped his phone into the enclosure.
US members of congress support orca protection.
Trainer mauled by a tiger returns to work at Steve Irwin's zoo.
Surprise sloth baby at London Zoo.
Twycross Zoo celebrates 50th anniversary.
Study of orangutan's teeth at Chester Zoo aims to help their wild counterparts.
Penguins at Canberra Zoo killed by fox.
Seaworld accused of distorting orca research.
Wildlife art exhibitions coming to London. Two have been and gone, but two are yet to come.
Great images of Masai Mara wildlife at sunrise and sunset.
Bison released back into the wild in Romania
Toxic toads threatening Madagascar's wildlife.
Fewer polar bears are being born in the wild than before, due to climate change, putting the species into even greater danger of extinction.
Florida woman keeps Bengal tigers as pets.
Images of tigers caught on camera traps.
What have we missed? Let us know in the comments below, or on Facebook or Twitter.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
What makes a good zoo?
Are the animals stimulated? |
- Does the zoo operate as a charity? Many zoos in the UK and around world also work as charities. Well reputed examples of this are London and Whispsnade Zoos (Zoological Society of London), Howletts and Port Lympne (Aspinall Foundation) and Marwell. That's not to say a zoo which is not a charity does take good care of the animals it has, but before you visit, consider that your money (entrance fee, souvenirs, food and drink) might be put to better use visiting a zoo which does operate as a charity?
- Do they do conservation work? This is usually found out by a quick look-see at the zoo's website before you visit - they are usually keen (and rightly so) to shout about any conservation work that they do.
- Do they inform? A decent zoo should aim to educate the public about the animals on display, and their wild counterparts. This can be done through guidebooks, signs at enclosures, kids activities and public talks.
- Do they operate a green policy within the zoo? Are there recycling bins for example, encouraging the public to recycle their rubbish? Do products and foods that they sell come in environmentally friendly packaging? Do they charge for plastic bags to discourage use?
- Do the animals seem content? It's a sad fact that any animal kept in captivity is unlikely to ever have as much space to live in as it would in the wild, no matter how small the animal or how large the zoo. However, most zoo animals are born in captivity and become accustomed to their lives. But if an animal seems agitated, paces excessively or is completely inactive, it's a suggestion that the animal may not be content in its environment. Don't jump to conclusions though, the animal may be temporarily unwell or having an off day - but if this behaviour continues over a longer period of time without zookeepers attempting to intervene, then the animal may not be receiving the care it deserves.
- Do the animals have privacy? It can be frustrating to visit a zoo and find the lion is asleep and the tiger is nowhere to be seen, but the fact is that animals need their privacy, just as humans do. Enclosures should provide a good balance of "on show" and "off show" space, allowing animals to remove themselves from the public eye when they wish to, where appropriate.
- Are there animal shows? Note the difference between talks, where the public are told a little bit about the animals, and shows, where the animals are made to perform. No animal in captivity should be made to perform tricks for the public's entertainment, and any zoo that makes animals do so is to be questioned. Most zoos do train animals to do basic commands, such as stretching, lifting paws etc. This is done so that zookeepers and vets can check the health of the animal without having to get close or tranquilise it, particularly for dangerous animals such as big cats. Many zoos also hide the animals' food around enclosures, rather than handing it to them on a literal or metaphorical plate. This is often known as 'enrichment' and is to aid psychological stimulation and recreate the skills and behaviours that animals would have to use to scavenge their food in the wild.
Further resources can be found here:
EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquariums) has a stringent policy which all institutions must adhere to in order to retain membership. A full list of EAZA members can be seen here.
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Why do we need zoos?
In this day and age, even the most modern of zoos can seem archaic. Many people, even avid zoo supporters, are in agreement than in an ideal world, we would not need zoos. Animals would be free to roam their natural habitats without threat of poaching or extinction, but sadly this is not the case, and therefore zoos are needed.
Of course, there are many individuals and organisations who contest this viewpoint, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have had an internal debate going for some time now regarding my beliefs about zoos and the ethics that surround them. I believe that until the day comes when zoos are no longer required, when animals can live in the wild without threats, they are necessary. Of course, it goes without saying that all zoos should be managed and monitored to ensure that animals receive the best treatment possible, in terms of living quarters, food, stimulation and protection from intrusion, a point made only more obvious in recent months by publicity from the likes of Copenhagen Zoo, Longleat, and Seaworld.
Of course, there are many individuals and organisations who contest this viewpoint, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have had an internal debate going for some time now regarding my beliefs about zoos and the ethics that surround them. I believe that until the day comes when zoos are no longer required, when animals can live in the wild without threats, they are necessary. Of course, it goes without saying that all zoos should be managed and monitored to ensure that animals receive the best treatment possible, in terms of living quarters, food, stimulation and protection from intrusion, a point made only more obvious in recent months by publicity from the likes of Copenhagen Zoo, Longleat, and Seaworld.
- Safeguarding an entire species.There are only around 300 Sumatran tigers left in a small pocket of Sumatra. Similarly, there are only around 400 Asiatic lions left, in the Gir Forest in India. If either of these areas were hit by a natural disaster, such as a forest fire, or a disease epidemic, the entire sub-species could be wiped out in a matter of hours, after centuries of living on this planet. At the moment it is very rare for a captive animal to be released back into the wild, however with more research in the future, it is likely to become more common, meaning that captive animals can act as a "back up" for some of the most endangered animals in the world.
- Raising funds. Sadly, as with everything in life, it all comes down to money. A good zoo will run, or at least contribute to, conservation or research projects in the wild - all of which require funds. Zoos which operate as charities usually generate funds from admission fees, and money spent inside the zoo, such as on souvenirs and food and drink.
- Raising awareness. How passionate are you about saving the pangolin? Not very, probably, as you have never heard of, or seen, one, and probably couldn't pick it out of a line-up. Lions or tigers however, you probably have more interest in protecting, because they are more familiar to you. Zoos give people a chance to see these animals close-up. It's one thing reading about them in the newspaper, but it's hard to appreciate the true majesty of a big cat, or the true prowess of an elephant until you've seen one in the flesh. And in seeing these animals, the public become more interested in trying to save them. They are no longer a distant creature on a far off continent that has no relevance to the public's day to day live. They become real.
- Research and observation. Zoos offer researchers and scientists a chance to observe animals in close quarters, in a way they would never be able to in the wild. Learning about behaviours can help to understand the species in the wild, and the threats it faces. And yes, when animals in captivity die, as all animals do sooner or later, their deaths can be used to further existing scientific knowledge. All zoos are required, as far as possible, to provide a cause of death for each animal that dies. This is how it was discovered that silverback gorillas are particularly susceptible to heart disease - patterns of death in captive animals were recorded, and traced back to the wild.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Wild animals banned from UK circuses
After many years of campaigning by groups including Born Free and RSPCA, a ban is being imposed on animals being used in travelling circuses in England. According to this article, there are 24 wild animals including big cats and zebras still used in circuses in the UK.
Although the practice seems somewhat outdated, animals such as lions, tigers, zebras and snakes are still used by several travelling circuses in the UK. The practice is recognised as cruel for several reasons:
This report, published by the RSPCA shows that circus life has a negative impact on animal welfare.
According to the BBC in July last year, some MPs believed that the then-intended ban went too far, saying that animals such as snakes and zebras* should still be allowed in UK circuses.
It is thought that Born Free and the RSPCA will help to rehome animals currently in circuses.
*On a side note, after elephants, zebras are responsible for the most human deaths in zoos worldwide, predominantly because people fail to realise how dangerous they are, and assume they can be treated the same as domestic horses.
Although the practice seems somewhat outdated, animals such as lions, tigers, zebras and snakes are still used by several travelling circuses in the UK. The practice is recognised as cruel for several reasons:
- Animals are often kept in cramped cages whilst in transit.
- They are forced to perform tricks which are not natural to them
- They are subject to loud noises from the crowds, light, and special effects such as pyrotechnics, which can be scary for the.
This report, published by the RSPCA shows that circus life has a negative impact on animal welfare.
According to the BBC in July last year, some MPs believed that the then-intended ban went too far, saying that animals such as snakes and zebras* should still be allowed in UK circuses.
It is thought that Born Free and the RSPCA will help to rehome animals currently in circuses.
*On a side note, after elephants, zebras are responsible for the most human deaths in zoos worldwide, predominantly because people fail to realise how dangerous they are, and assume they can be treated the same as domestic horses.
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Snakes on loose in London under threat
The Evening Standard has reported that a species of snake whose London population is on the increase is under threat of being culled.
The Aesculupian snakes were released into the Regent's Canal are in the 1990s as part of a scientific experiment. However, an increasing number of them have been seen on rooftops and in trees in recent months.
The species is capable of crushing children to death, and it is thought their presence is having an impact on the natural ecosystem of the area - they have been spotted eating rats and birds.
What do you think? Should these snakes be culled? Or is it wrong to cull a species that would not have been released into this habitat in the first place, were it not for human intervention?
The Aesculupian snakes were released into the Regent's Canal are in the 1990s as part of a scientific experiment. However, an increasing number of them have been seen on rooftops and in trees in recent months.
The species is capable of crushing children to death, and it is thought their presence is having an impact on the natural ecosystem of the area - they have been spotted eating rats and birds.
What do you think? Should these snakes be culled? Or is it wrong to cull a species that would not have been released into this habitat in the first place, were it not for human intervention?
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Five reasons why we love World of Animals magazine
![]() |
In case you haven't heard, there's a new(ish) publication on the block. World of Animals is a monthly magazine all about animals. It has features, factfiles, photography and zoo profiles. It might just be the best thing we've ever read, and it's definitely filled a gap in the magazine market. At time of writing issue six is in the shops, with chimpanzees plastered across the cover. Here are our top reasons why we love it:
- There are some truly amazing facts in each issue. Not just your average, run-of-the-mill animal facts that are trotted out on Buzzfeed every few weeks, but really interesting things that have taken some deep research to discover. Our favourite from the current issues is that Ham, the first chimpanzee sent into space, shook the hand of his commander on returning to Earth. On the off chance that anyone caught that moment on camera, can we have a copy of the tape please and thank you?
- Each issue gives an indepth profile of a specific species. Past subjects have included tigers, chimps, grizzly bears, orang utans, lions and penguins.
- It's brilliantly written, with some great journalism. It's clever in that it manages to inform without being patronising - whether you're a keen conservationist or can't tell an ape from an anteater, there'll be something for you, we promise.
- Conservation is becomingly an increasingly political issue, yet WoA manages to keep the politics out of it, providing a balanced and factual read about issues faced by various species. Each issue provides a profile of a zoo of the world, but beyond that, there is little comment on which conservation methods it supports.
- The first issue had a tiger on it. Sadly, we never managed to catch the first issue whilst it was in shops, so our collection is sadly lacking. Yes, we know you can download the issue digitally, but it's just not the same, is it? If anyone knows where we can get a hard copy of the issue (we'd definitely settle for secondhand), we'd be forever in your graititude. case you're wondering, we aren't being paid or bribed in any way to write this. We truly believe that World of Animals is a great magazine. Long may it prosper. Pop out and buy an issue soon.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
How are animals moved between zoos?
If you thought moving house as a human was hard work, imagine the difficulties of moving a large, wild or dangerous animal between homes.
This feature on the BBC gives a great insight into the process of reloctaing animals from one zoo to another, often overseas, as part of zoo breeding exchange programmes. The process often takes months, including acclimatizing animals to their travelling containers before hand.
There are many stories (and photos) of the first elephant arriving at Whipsnade Zoo - the elephants were simply walked through the village on leads.
Read the full article here.
And if you're not convinced about how hard it is to move an animal, just take a look at how hard it is to put an infant giraffe to bed for the night:
This feature on the BBC gives a great insight into the process of reloctaing animals from one zoo to another, often overseas, as part of zoo breeding exchange programmes. The process often takes months, including acclimatizing animals to their travelling containers before hand.
There are many stories (and photos) of the first elephant arriving at Whipsnade Zoo - the elephants were simply walked through the village on leads.
Read the full article here.
And if you're not convinced about how hard it is to move an animal, just take a look at how hard it is to put an infant giraffe to bed for the night:
Friday, 25 April 2014
New Chinese law against eating endangered animals
A new law in China means that eating an endangered animals could now result in ten years in prison.
The law covers 420 rare and endangered species, including giant pandas, Asian black bears and golden monkeys. Also eligible for prosecution are people who buy illegally hunted animals.
More on this story here.
The law covers 420 rare and endangered species, including giant pandas, Asian black bears and golden monkeys. Also eligible for prosecution are people who buy illegally hunted animals.
More on this story here.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Two male, one female tiger cub at London Zoo
A few weeks back, ZSL London Zoo announced that their breeding Sumatran tiger pair, Jae Jae and Melati, had welcomed three cubs.
They've now announced that the cubs are one female and two males, and all seem to be in good health. Check out the video below of them being health checked and sexed by the zoo's keepers. They weren't happy about it!
London Zoo's new tiger exhibit, Tiger Territory, opened last March. A cub was born last summer, but sadly died on its first trip into the outside world.
Sumatran tigers are critically endangered, with estimates of just 300 left in the wild. Several subspecies of tiger have already been wiped out.
They've now announced that the cubs are one female and two males, and all seem to be in good health. Check out the video below of them being health checked and sexed by the zoo's keepers. They weren't happy about it!
London Zoo's new tiger exhibit, Tiger Territory, opened last March. A cub was born last summer, but sadly died on its first trip into the outside world.
Sumatran tigers are critically endangered, with estimates of just 300 left in the wild. Several subspecies of tiger have already been wiped out.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
#BanCannedHunting #SaveOurLions
Like many people around the world, we managed to get involved in Global March For Lions at the weekend. Here are a few of the photos we took in Trafalgar Square, London:
Nice to see Sea Shepherd represented too. The event fell the same weekend as Whalefest so no doubt there will have been some people who wanted to go to both events. |
Somebody has a Lion King moment. |
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Rare white rhino has its own armed bodyguards
This is a bit of a bitter-sweet story, we're sorry to say.
A rare white rhino in Kenya has made the news after being given its own team of four armed bodyguards.
The animal is one of just four left in the world, and is at extreme risk of poaching. So he has been given four bodyguards who work as a team to follow it 24 hours a day on the Ol Pejeta Reservation. He is completely used to the presence of the rangers, who sit alongside him as he rests and eats.
Whilst it's a lovely story that people are willing to dedicate the time and resources to protect this animal, it's extremely sad that we have come to a situation where there are only four members of an entire species left in the world, and even more despairing that there are people out there willing to kill these last four, effectively bringing a species to an irreversible end.
Tragically, despite the admirable and decicated efforts of the armed guards, experts predict that this species will die out in the very near future.
Read this story here.
More information about rhinos under armed guard here
A rare white rhino in Kenya has made the news after being given its own team of four armed bodyguards.
The animal is one of just four left in the world, and is at extreme risk of poaching. So he has been given four bodyguards who work as a team to follow it 24 hours a day on the Ol Pejeta Reservation. He is completely used to the presence of the rangers, who sit alongside him as he rests and eats.
Whilst it's a lovely story that people are willing to dedicate the time and resources to protect this animal, it's extremely sad that we have come to a situation where there are only four members of an entire species left in the world, and even more despairing that there are people out there willing to kill these last four, effectively bringing a species to an irreversible end.
Tragically, despite the admirable and decicated efforts of the armed guards, experts predict that this species will die out in the very near future.
Read this story here.
More information about rhinos under armed guard here
Saturday, 8 March 2014
An unintended hiatus
Lovely readers, human and animal*,
We apology for the lack of communication recently. Due to relocation and problems with our internet provider (who shall remain nameless) we have had no internet access. Fear not, we haven't forgotten about you all. We'll be back as soon as we can with news, views....and maybe even a campaign or two. Watch this space. In the mean time don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
*if we do have any animal readers, we'd love to know about it.
We apology for the lack of communication recently. Due to relocation and problems with our internet provider (who shall remain nameless) we have had no internet access. Fear not, we haven't forgotten about you all. We'll be back as soon as we can with news, views....and maybe even a campaign or two. Watch this space. In the mean time don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
*if we do have any animal readers, we'd love to know about it.
Saturday, 15 February 2014
World Pangolin Day 2014
Today is World Pangolin Day. Despite sounding like a little-known musical instrument, a pangolin is one of
the world's strangest animals. Also known as 'scaly anteaters', their name translates as 'something that rolls up' - thanks to their habit of rolling up into a ball. They are most commonly compared to anteaters, sloths, and armadillos.
There are four subspecies in Africa and four in Asia. As with many rare animals, the pangolin is under threat. Pangolin trafficking is a serious problem in Africa.
For more information on World Pangolin Day, click here.
the world's strangest animals. Also known as 'scaly anteaters', their name translates as 'something that rolls up' - thanks to their habit of rolling up into a ball. They are most commonly compared to anteaters, sloths, and armadillos.
There are four subspecies in Africa and four in Asia. As with many rare animals, the pangolin is under threat. Pangolin trafficking is a serious problem in Africa.
For more information on World Pangolin Day, click here.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Zoo polar bear dies after eating visitor's belongings
Following the shocking and less than favourable events that happened in zoos just this weekend, a polar bear at Wilhelma Zoo in Germany has died after eating fabric.
25 year old Anton began vomiting pieces of fabric, and later died of severe intestinal injuries. He could have lived for a further 10-15 years. It is thought that the fabric was a bag or jacket dropped into the enclosure by a member of the public.
Anton's keepers said it was not clear why he swallowed the item, rather than just ripping it to pieces as he usually would, but thought there may have been food inside that he was trying to get to.
It is thought that in the past elephant seals and hippos at the same zoo have died as a result of eating items dropped into their enclosures.
25 year old Anton began vomiting pieces of fabric, and later died of severe intestinal injuries. He could have lived for a further 10-15 years. It is thought that the fabric was a bag or jacket dropped into the enclosure by a member of the public.
Anton's keepers said it was not clear why he swallowed the item, rather than just ripping it to pieces as he usually would, but thought there may have been food inside that he was trying to get to.
It is thought that in the past elephant seals and hippos at the same zoo have died as a result of eating items dropped into their enclosures.
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Longleat kill six healthy lions
Lioness and cub in South African wild |
Following on from this morning's news that Copenhagen Zoo killed a healthy giraffe that was
'surplus' to their requirements, it has now emerged that Longleat Safari Park in the South
West of England have had six of their lions, including four young cubs, killed.
Less than a week after being voted Best Large Visitor Attraction in the South West, a whistleblower apparently told the Mail on Sunday that adult male Henry, female Louisa, and four of her cubs were all put down for no obvious reason. Many staff who worked closely with the animals were not aware of the plans until after their deaths and were left devastated.
Longleat have blamed the need for the deaths on a sharp increase in their lion population numbers, which in turn led to an increase in violence in the pride, putting some of the lions at risk.
One of the world's leading big cat experts John Knight is quoted as saying "‘Most zoos have a contraceptive programme in place and manage to control populations perfectly well. That’s why this seems a bit odd, in a way. It’s just not a problem that most zoos experience."- which brings into question not only this incident, but the killing of the giraffe at Copenhagen Zoo, which revealed that that zoo puts down 20-30 healthy animals a year due to overbreeding.
The following statement appeared on Longleat's
Facebook page in response to the predictable abuse:
"Firstly, we do not and will not ever put down any of our animals unless their health is very much at risk and even then it is only because we would have exhausted all other options. In regards to the lions, there has been a large increase in pregnancies, resulting in a 40 per cent increase in population. This has unfortunately resulted in excessive violent behaviour, putting 21 of them at risk.
Sadly one lion, Henry, had to be put down earlier this year due to injuries from an attack within the enclosure. The further lions referred to were put down due to associated and severe health risks. Following these incidents, five lions from this enclosure are to be moved to other premises. Longleat takes the utmost care in trying to protect the welfare and safety of all our animals."
However, this seems to leave two large questions unanswered; firstly, why were they unable to transfer the lions to another zoo, safari park or breeding programme? The BBC are reporting that five other Longleat Lions are being moved to other premises- why was the same not down for these lions?
Secondly, and most importantly, how was this situation of lion overcrowding allowed to happen in the first place? Other zoos, London Zoo included, use contraceptives on their lions - they have to, to prevent inbreeding when members of the same family live side by side. Why were Longleat not using the same procedures?
What adds insult to injury is that the park, which was closed for the winter at the time of the lion deaths, uses the "Lions of Longleat" heavily in their promotional material. Star of the show one day, cast aside the next.
Copenhagen Zoo destroys healthy giraffe that was 'surplus' to requirements
Copenhagen Zoo have killed a healthy 18-month-old giraffe because he was "surplus".
Earlier this week Marius caught the attention of the public when it was announced that Copenhagen Zoo were planning to put him down and use his remains for research and to feed to their lions.
The problem was that Copenhagen Zoo were running out of space for giraffes, so had to get rid of Marius before he became old enough to produce his own offspring.
This led to an international outcry and a campaign to stop his death, with thousands of people signing online petitions. It is even claimed that British and Swedish zoos, including Yorkshire Wildlife Park, had offered to give him a home, but Copenhagen Zoo went ahead regardless.
Marius was put down early this morning. It is claimed that in the past, Copenhagen Zoo have also put down healthy bears, tigers and zebras, and currently put down 20-30 animals a year.
Copenhagen Zoo have apparently defended their decision, with Bengt Holst, scientific director of Copenhagen Zoo reportedly telling the BBC, "Giraffes today breed very well, and when they do you have to choose and make sure the ones you keep are the ones with the best genes"- so basically, space in zoos should be reserved for animals with the best genetics. He also stated that all responsible zoos maintain animal numbers in this way.
Earlier this week Marius caught the attention of the public when it was announced that Copenhagen Zoo were planning to put him down and use his remains for research and to feed to their lions.
The problem was that Copenhagen Zoo were running out of space for giraffes, so had to get rid of Marius before he became old enough to produce his own offspring.
This led to an international outcry and a campaign to stop his death, with thousands of people signing online petitions. It is even claimed that British and Swedish zoos, including Yorkshire Wildlife Park, had offered to give him a home, but Copenhagen Zoo went ahead regardless.
Marius was put down early this morning. It is claimed that in the past, Copenhagen Zoo have also put down healthy bears, tigers and zebras, and currently put down 20-30 animals a year.
Copenhagen Zoo have apparently defended their decision, with Bengt Holst, scientific director of Copenhagen Zoo reportedly telling the BBC, "Giraffes today breed very well, and when they do you have to choose and make sure the ones you keep are the ones with the best genes"- so basically, space in zoos should be reserved for animals with the best genetics. He also stated that all responsible zoos maintain animal numbers in this way.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
New species of river dolphin discovered in Brazil
A bittersweet story emerged today when it was revealed that a new species of river dolphin was discovered in Brazil- but it is already endangered.
River dolphins are among the world's rarest creatures, and there are thought to be about 1,000 of them living in the Amazon. The Yangtze river dolphin became extinct in 2006.
The new species- Araguaian Boto, named after the Araguaia river basin where it was discovered- is the first new species of river dolphin to be discovered in nearly a century.
Unfortunately, the species is expected to be categorised on the vulnerable list, as they are at high risk of being shot by local people, as they eat fish supplies, robbing fishermen of their livelihood.
River dolphins are among the world's rarest creatures, and there are thought to be about 1,000 of them living in the Amazon. The Yangtze river dolphin became extinct in 2006.
The new species- Araguaian Boto, named after the Araguaia river basin where it was discovered- is the first new species of river dolphin to be discovered in nearly a century.
Unfortunately, the species is expected to be categorised on the vulnerable list, as they are at high risk of being shot by local people, as they eat fish supplies, robbing fishermen of their livelihood.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
WWF announces Earth Hour 2014
WWF have announced that their Earth Hour 2014 will take place on March 29th.
At 8.30pm, people around the world will switch off their lights for an hour to show their support for environmental issues. Earth Hour began in one city in 2007, when the people of Sydney in Australia switched off their lights. In just 7 years it has become an annual, global movement; Last year, 154 countries took part, and celebrities including Jessica Alba, Al Gore, McFly and Amanda Holden have all pledged their support.
Take a look at WWF's great list of things to do in the dark during Earth Hour. Will you be taking part?
At 8.30pm, people around the world will switch off their lights for an hour to show their support for environmental issues. Earth Hour began in one city in 2007, when the people of Sydney in Australia switched off their lights. In just 7 years it has become an annual, global movement; Last year, 154 countries took part, and celebrities including Jessica Alba, Al Gore, McFly and Amanda Holden have all pledged their support.
Take a look at WWF's great list of things to do in the dark during Earth Hour. Will you be taking part?
Thursday, 2 January 2014
BOOK REVIEW: Hunting the Hunters
Laurens de Groot's biographical book, Hunting the Hunters, is published in the UK today, and is well worth a read.
Hunting the Hunters is the story of a campaigner and activist working for Sea Shepherd , the marine wildlife conservation organisation which aims to put whale hunting to a stop.I was fortunate enough to receive a preview copy of the book, and despite not having a keen interest in whale-hunting beyond my general conservation interest, I couldn't put it down. De Groot's dramatic yet truthful, humorous yet heartbreaking account of life onboard some of Sea Shepherd's vessels is well worth a read, as much for what it says about human nature for the insight it gives into whale hunting, and his passion is inspirational. Can't recommend it highly enough.
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